Pre-conference workshop
An Introduction to Network Meta-Analysis using the multinma
Presenter: Nicky Welton
When: 06 March 2024, 13:00-16:00
Where: MH:Rieszsalen, Matematikhuset, Lund University, Sölvegatan 18, Lund
Cost: FREE
This 2-hour in-person workshop will introduce participants to network meta-analysis (NMA) models to combine evidence from studies that form a connected network of treatment comparisons. The workshop will cover:
- The network meta-analysis model (fixed and random effects models)
- Interpretation of NMA estimates and treatment rankings
- Demonstration of multinma with binary outcome data
- Checking the consistency assumption including demonstration
- Brief overview of other outcome types
The session will consist of lectures interspersed with short exercises. There will be demonstrations of the multinma package in R, which participants can follow along with if they wish.
It is assumed that participants are familiar with logistic regression models, hierarchical models, and Bayesian methods. If participants wish to follow along with the demonstration, then they should have a laptop with R (preferably RStudio) and the multinma package and its dependencies installed.